Stories written by Stan Griffin
People and Places
Petra--"City of Stone" in a City of Concrete Stonehenge:" ... Strong, Silent, Mysterious..." A Book, a Square, and a Compass--The Masons The Breaks The Eskimos The Hawaiians The Sherpas The Pilgrims The People of "Din'e Be Keyah": Navajoland
Alberto Santos-Dumont: Aviation Pioneer English version Portuguese version
Hanukkah Journey of the Mayflower The Pilgrims Jewish New Year
Standing on the Promises Freedom of Worship: Men Value (It) Most of All "Amazing Grace--More Than A Hymm" "Just As I Am" Stigmata Five Major World Religions Unitarians and Universalists Zoroastrianism
Current Events
The Balkan Powderkeg Good Samaritans
Special Interest
Honor Flight--"A Gathering of Eagles" Darwin vs. Creationism--"The Great Monkey Trial" Fencing In a Nutshell Another Treatment Option For Some Heart Patients Cincinnati: "Home On the Range...Where Never is Heard, A Discouraging Word..." Human Rights: Then and Now The River and the Kite Easter Island-The Island of Mysteries