Workers For Jesus Online Bible Study

The Book of John

John 1-3

Jesus is the Word.
John baptizes people and tells them about the One who is coming.
More about John the Baptist
Jesus starts to call His disciples.
Jesus changes water into wine.
Jesus goes to Jerusalem and is angry at people who are selling things at the temple.
Jesus tells Nicodemus how to see God's kingdom.

John 4-6

Jesus talks to a woman at a well in the area of Samaria.
Jesus heals the son of a rich man in Capernaum.
Jesus heals a man by the pool in Bethesda.
The Jews are upset that Jesus healed someone on the sabbath.
Jesus says that people who believe in Him will live forever.
Jesus feeds a huge crowd with 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish.
There is a big storm, and the disciples see Jesus walking on the water.

John 7-9
Jesus teaches at the temple in Jerusalem
Jesus saves a woman who is going to be stoned.
Jesus speaks at the temple in Jerusalem.
Jesus tells the Jews that He is from God.
Jesus heals a man who was born blind.

John 10 - 12
Jesus tells a parable about sheep.
Jesus goes back to Jerusalem.
Jesus makes Lazarus alive again.
Mary anoints Jesus with expensive oil.
Jesus tells His disciples that His time has come.

John 13 - 15
Jesus and His disciples have a Passover feast.
Jesus gives a new commandment.
Jesus tells His disciples He is going to prepare a place for them.
Jesus says that the Comforter (Holy Spirit) will come after He is gone.

John 16 - 18
Jesus tells His disciples what is going to happen.
Jesus tells how the Holy Spirit will come to comfort His disciples after He's gone.
Jesus is arrested.
Jesus has a trial by Pontius Pilate.

John 19 - 21
Jesus has a trial.
Jesus is sentenced to death and is crucified.
Jesus dies on the cross.
Jesus is alive again.

Our Bible Study is an ongoing "work in progress".  We add a new section approximately every 2-3 weeks.

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